Jedna od mojih najboljih prijeteljica, ujedno i moja šefica slavila je na sam Uskrs rođendan. Pošto smo skupa taj dan i radile odlučile smo se počastiti ovom preslatkom torticom :)) Ona je veliki ljubitelj lika Minnie Mouse, pa je torta ukrašena u tom duhu a okus smo dogovorile zajedno – lagano, od sira i čokolade :)) i tako je bilo – proslavile smo, zasladile smo se i brže nam je prošlo radno vrijeme ;))) Recept je drage Cool kolegice
Violet Love sa Coolinarike 🙂 već sam jednom pravila njen kolačić –
Paunovo okeco – koji je, kao i ovaj cheesecake, ispalo odlično!!!
One of my best friends, who is also my boss celebrated her birthday on Easter day. Since we worked this day together we thought we could sweeten up this day for us with the too cute cake :)) She is a big, big fan of Minnie Mouse so the cake was decorated in this thought and the taste was easy – light, cheese and chocolate 🙂 and so it was, we had a great work day and it was sweet enough 🙂 The recipe is from my dear friend
Violet Love from the Coolinarika page 🙂 I already made a cake by her recipe –
Peacock eye, and it came out perfectly just as this did 🙂
Sastojci :
Podloga od Keksi :
200 g keksa s maslacem
70 g maslaca
70 g tamne čokolade (72% kakaa)
Krema od sira :
350 g krem sira
350 g milerama
3 svježa jaja
1 vrećica pudinga vanilin
2 vrećice vanilin šećera
150 g šećera
3 žlice kakaa
2 žlice ulja
300 ml vrhnja za šlag
Prije Ukrašavanja – before decorating 🙂 |
Za podlogu 2/3 keksiju sameljite a 1/3 ručno smrvite (da nam ostanu manji komadići).
Otopiti čokoladu i maslac te izmiješati sa keksima.
Smjesu potisnuti u kalup za torte (s odvojivim stranicama) promjera 20 cm.
Pripremiti nadjev – miksati sir sa 4/5 šećera, mileramom i vanilin šećerom dok ne postane glatko.
U zasebnoj zdjeli izmutiti jaja dok ne postanu pjenasta i postepeno ih umiksati u smjesu zajedno sa prosijanim praškom za puding.
Malo više od polovice smjese uliti u kalup (na pripremljenu podlogu) a u ostatak umiksati preostali šećer (1/5), kakao i ulje. Pažljivo rasporediti tamnu smjesu na svijetlu….. Peći 15 minuta na 190 stupnjeva, smanjiti pećnicu na 170 i peći još 25-30 minuta BEZ otvaranja pećnice. Kad je gotov, ostaviti ga pola sata u toploj pećnici (NITI slučajno je ne otvarati).
Kada ste ga izvadili iz pećnice – tankim nožem odvojiti kolač od stranica da nebi pucao tokom hlađenja. Nakon toga ohladiti na sobnoj temperaturi, zatim držati preko noći u hladnjaku pokrivenog aluminijskom folijom.
Ukrasiti po želji, fondanom i vrhnjem za šlag 🙂
The base of the Biscuits:
200 g of biscuits with butter
70 g butter
70 g dark chocolate (72% cocoa)
Cream cheese:
350 g cream cheese
350 g sour cream
3 fresh eggs
1 packet of vanilla pudding
2 bags of vanilla sugar
150 g sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons oil
300 ml whipped cream
For substrate 2 / 3 biscuits and grind 1 / 3 hand-Crush (that we remain small bits).
Melt chocolate and butter and mix with the biscuits.
Mixture pushed into the mold for the cake (with removable pages) a diameter of 20 cm.
To prepare the filling – mix cheese with 4 / 5 sugar, sour cream and vanilla until smooth.
In a separate bowl mix eggs until they become foamy and gradually they mix the mixture together with the sieved powder for pudding.
A little more than half of the mixture and pour into a mold (on thickness) while the rest mix in remaining sugar (1 / 5), cocoa and oil. Carefully spread the mixture on a light cream … .. Bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees, reduce the oven to 170 and bake for another 25-30 minutes without opening the oven. When done, leave it for half an hour in a warm oven (do not open).
When you remove it from the oven – a thin knife to separate the cake from the sides that would not have shot during cooling. After this cooled to room temperature, then kept overnight in the refrigerator covered with aluminum foil.
Garnish as desired, fondant and whipped cream:)
Recept toplo preporučam jer je odličan 😉
Ujedno je ovo i najslađa torta koju sam ikad napravila 🙂 hihi 🙂
I recommend this cake to everybody, it tastes amazing 😉
An this is the cutest cake I ever made 🙂
Sretan rođendan Stjuardesa ;))
Je l' su uši jestive? 🙂
Ako jesu, prvo njih bi' pojela 😀
Baš lepa tortica 🙂
haha, baš to pitanje je i moja fendica postavila 🙂 nažalost nisu 🙂
Preslatka je tortica a Violet-Love je zaista majstor!! Ja sam se nameračila da pravim jednu od njenih sjajnih mađarica za predstojeću slavu ! Verujem da su svi njeni recepti fenomenalni! :-))
hehe kako su uši super!:)
meni nije rođendan ali i ja bih malo torte 😉
fantastično izgleda 😀
that is all sorts of adorable, my daughter would flip over it!
Aaaaaa, kako je super tortica! Preslatko izgleda, bravo! 🙂
This is adorable, I love it! So cute but it looks so delicious 🙂
I was not expecting the interior to be like this at all. Great job inside and out! =D
Ajme divna je tortica. Svaka čast na uloženom trudu i kreativnosti. 🙂
wow, predivna je, odusevljena sam!!!
Divna torta ! Tako veselo i lijepo izgleda , super je !
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