Već se par dana spremam pisati post i nikako…. nekako sam lijena ovih dana….prošli tjedan posjetila sam sajam knjiga u Zagrebu i ugrabila neke dobre knjigice, ali i uspjela sam posjetiti jedan dučačić sa ukrasim za kolače tako da sad imam materijala 🙂 Isti dan bio je i rođendan moga djeda, 87. po redu i mislila sam da bi bila lijepa gesta da i ja ešto malo ispečem 🙂 i eto, malo razmišljanja i nastala je Mascarpone surprise tortica 🙂 enjoy :))
Last couple of days i’ m getting ready to write this post…and finally … I am so lazy these days…. last week my sister and I went to our capital city to visit a book fair ! There weree soo many books 🙂 i managed to buy some cute stuff! Pictures at the end of the post! The same day was the 87th birthday of my grandfather so i thought it would be nice to make a cake 🙂 so i made this Mascarpone surprise 🙂
Sastojci: Ingredients :
3 jaja 3 eggs
20 dag šećera 20 dag sugar
naribana korica 1 naranče 1 grated orange rind
1 vanilin šećer 15 g vanille sugar
20 dag brašna 20 dag flour
pola paketića praška za pecivo 10 g baking powder
1 dcl mlijeka 1 dcl milk
1 dcl mlijeka 1 dcl milk
1 dcl ulja 1 dcl oil
Bijeli Ganache : White ganache:
20 dag bijele čokolade 20 dag white chocolate
2 dcl slatkog vrhnja za šlag 2 dcl cream
Mascarpone krema : Mascarpone cream
450g šumskog voća 450 g forest fruit
500 g mascarponea 500 g mascarpone cheese
15 g gustina 15 g cornstarch
1 vrećica želatine 15 g gelatin
150 g šećera 150 g sugar
Ukras : Decoration:
malo voća fruits
500 ml vrhnja za šlag 500 ml whipped cream
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Baked cake, preparing the forest fruit cream and the white ganache before a trip to the fridge 🙂 |
Priprema :
1. Biskvit je iz recepta za Ličku pitu by cvijetic8 napravljen jedamput i pečen u kalupu promjera 26 cm 🙂 btw. genijalan bisvit !!
2. Voće staviti u posudu za kuhanje, dodati šećer i kuhati dok ne ispusti tekućinu te dodati malo gustina da se zgusne. Pustiti da se malo ohladi te pomiješati sa mascarponeom i dodati želatinu pripremljenu kako piše na vrećici. Ostaviti da se ohladi kroz noć u hladnjaku!
3. Ganache kremu pripremiti tako da vruće vrhnje za šlag prelijete po čokoladi, ostavite per minuta pa promiješate i ostavite preko noći da se stisne.
4. Drugi dan biskvit prerezati na pola, prvu polovicu premazati ganachom, pa kremom od šumskog voća i mascarponea pa opet ganachom te na to staviti biskvit. Premazati cijelu tortu ostatkom ganacha te ukrasiti šlagom i voćem po želji!!
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I looove this pic! First add the mascarpone to the fruit and leave in the fridge over night! |
Preparation :
1. For the cake – mix the egg yolks with sugar until it’s puffy, add grated orange rind and vanilla sugar. Slowly add the flour with baking powder and milk and oil. Mix the egg whites until stiff peaks and add to the yellow mixture. Bake in a round mold diameter 26 cm for 30 minutes on 180 degrees. The finished cake should look like in the pic above!
2. Then prepare the fruit – put the fruits and the sugar in a bowl an heath up until the fruits let all the juices out. Then add a little bit of cornstarch to make it thicker. Let it cool a little bit then add mascarpone to it! It should have a nice pinkish color :)) Let it cool an thicken in the fridge overnight!
3. Make the ganache – pour the hot whipped cream over the chocolate. Let is sit for 5 minutes then stir and let it cool in the fridge overnight!
4. The next day – put everything together! First devide the cake in 2 pieces and put one on a cake stand. Glaze it with the half of the ganache and then the fruit cream (leave a little bit for decoration)! Then again the rest of the ganache and finish of with the second layer of the cake. Decorate it with whipped cream, mascarpone cream and the fruits as you wish.
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First the ganache, then the mascarpone cream 🙂 |
Evo je 🙂 gotova 🙂 iz svakog kuta!
Sooooo, here it is! From every angle 🙂
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Just look at the little white dot on the mascarpone cream 🙂 adorable! |
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Little red raiding hood hidden in the woods 🙂 |
Are you ready for the cake slice? It look better then i thought!
Spremni za prerez? Izgleda predobro :)))
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Yummmy :)) |
Djedu se svidjelo, kao i svima na proslavi 🙂 tako da mora da je dobra! Haha :))
My grandfather liked it, so did the rest of the family – it has to be good! :)) Haha :))
ooo, and the book I bought on the fair!
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Mediterian cakes and the other one 😀 |
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What?? A girl should be prepared for everything 😀 |
Sooooo i hope you like it, i love the books :)) and the cake 🙂 Have a nice week 🙂
Nadam se da vam se sviđaju knigice i torta 🙂 meni jako 🙂 ugodan tjedan svima 🙂
Tihana <3
Mmm obožavam mascarpone, a tortica izgleda čarobno. 🙂
Vidim da je i šoping bio uspješan, ovu kuharicu iz Jutarnjeg lista imam skoro cijelu seriju. 🙂
That cake looks incredible. I'm terribly at decorating baked goods, but, your post makes me want to try my hand at it again!
All this is Grace and Charm
OMG that cake looks freaking amazing xxxx
Čarobna tortica!
Odlicno ti je ovo iznenadjenje!!!
Srecan rodjendan dedi :)))
Ludo izgleda…ima još koja fetica za mene?
vauuu. ovo je baš jedna torta kakvu bi ja voljela da meni netko napravi za rođendan
Lijepa spolja i iznutra!
Divna tortica!
Prekrasna torta ! Volim ovu kombinaciju a napravila si je izvrsno ! Prava rođendanska. Djedu želim sve najbolje !! super si ga počastila i razveselila.
Super za shoppping na Interliberu, lijepe knjigice si izabrala.
Na mom blogu te ceka jedna nagradica pa svrati po nju kad stignes 🙂
Looks like an awesome cake. I would love to try some!
This looks like it was fun to make with all those beautiful colors. Beautiful pictures, cake and decorating of the cake! Have a great weekend!
Ohhhhh, how I LOVE your creations and your blog!!!!
Seriously!! I can't tell you how much I love everything about it!
And your photographs — fantastic!!!!
Your blog is one of my absolute favorites!!!!
Thanks for putting all that time and effort into it!!
tortica je odlična
a knjigice isto, ja na žalost nisam stigla do sajma pa mi je drago da se barem neko usrećio
waaaaaw ….još jedan kuharski blooog… supeeer:) ja isto volim kuhati i praviti kolače, cupcakes, muffins….sveee:) ….moj blog je pola kuharski:) hehe…. pOZDRAV!!!!
Prelepa tortica!Pozdrav.
Sline mi cure do pupka! Rodjendan mi je 2.5. ;)))))). :*
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