Cheesecake, Sir, Torte, Voće

Čizi Cheese cake :)

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Uuuuuu prošlo je puno od posljednjeg posta, naravno opet zbog pomankanja vremena…. al eto, vraćam se sa nečim neodoljivim! Gledajući stotine različitih cheese cake iliti torte od sira recepata morala sam izmiksati jedan svoj! Ovaj je brz, jednostavan, i nakon maalo strpljenja okusom neodoljiv! Kolege su ga obožavale, ukućani su ga obožavali, i najvažnije moj dragi ju je obožavao 🙂 misija ispunjena 🙂 savršeni i brzi Čizi Cheese cake :))

It’s been  a really long time since my last post, of course because of lack of time … but, I’m back and I bring you something delicious! Looking at hundred other recipes  in the sea of cheese cakes i thought i could make one myself! This one is quick, easy to make and the taste of it is amazing! Friend at work loved it, my family loved i and the most important my darling loved it 🙂 the mission is fulfilled 🙂 quick and perfect Čizi Cheese cake :))
Podloga :
270 g keksa sa okusom vanilije
100 g maslaca
Cheese krema :
500 g svježeg sira
400 ml tučenog slatkog vrhnja
sok 1 limuna
15 g želatine
Šumski preljev :
450 g šumskog voća (u mom slučaju smrznutog)
100 g šećera
15 g gustina 
The bottom : 
270 g  cookies with vanilla taste
100 g butter
Cheese cream :
500 g fresh cheese
400 cream
Juice from 1 lemon
15 g gelatin
Sweet forest dressing :
450 g  forest fruit (in my case frozen)
100 g sugar
15 g cornstarch 
1. Keksiće staviti u vrećicu za zamrzavanje i samljeti ih . Dodati im otopljeni maslac i sve lijepo rasporediti na dno kalupa (20 cm) i staviti u friz da se stegne.
1. Put the cookies in a blender or crush them in a bag with a roller. Add melted butter and make the bottom of the cake in a 20 cm (about 8 inches) cake frame and put it in the fridge to cool.
2. Slatko vrhnje izmiksati u šlag, a svježi sir pomiješati sa limunovim sokom. Želatinu otopiti u par žlica tople i dodati siru te sve skupa sjediniti u finu čizi-smjesu !
2. Mix the cream and combine it with the lemon juice and the cheese. Melt the gelatin in 4 tablespoons hot water and put it in the mix!
3. Od voća ostaviti malo bobica za ukrašavanje kasnije(ja sam ostavila ribizl i borovnice) te ostatak skupa sa šećerom i gustinom kuhati dok ne zavri, dok ispusti dosta soka te nakon toga maknuti s vatre i pustiti da se malčice zagusti!
3. Separate a few fruits from the bunch to decorate later ( i separated blueberries and currant ) and boil the rest of the fruit with the sugar and cornstarch. Let it cook a little bit until all the juices from the fruits are dropped and let it cool!
4. Podlogu od keksića lagano premazati šumskim preljevom i na to dodati pola smjese od sira. Opet malo premazati preljevom ( u mom slučaju jagodama ) te dodati ostatak smjese i završti, pogodite sad, opet šumskim preljevom 🙂 Ostaviti u frizu najmanje 4 sata, izvaditi iz kalupa i ukrasiti i spremna je za njupanjeee :))))
4. Smear the cookie bottom with the forest dressing and add the half of the cheese mix. Then again smear a little bit of the dressing and add the rest of the cheese cream. And at the end smear the rest of the forest dressing on the top and let it cool in the fridge for at least 4 hours! Then take it out from the frame and decorate an eaaaat :)))))
Yummmmmyyyy ;)))))
Bon apetit 🙂




  • Divno, mnogo mi je lepši Čiz sa crvenim voćem.

  • 'Cheese cake' sa sumskim vocem je najbolji 😉

  • ja ne volim kolače sa sirom, barem ne u toj verziji i stvarno rijetko i napravim nešto takvo
    ali mi se stvarno sviđaju takvi kolači i ovaj tvoj mi se dopada posebno voće 🙂

  • Cheesecake is my absolutely favorite dessert!!
    I could eat that gorgeous cake for breakfast!! (Lunch & dinner!)
    Your pictures are really wonderful!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    I know from experience how time-consuming the photography is!

  • super si napravila ovaj Cheesecake ! slično radi i moja sestra i mi ga dosta volimo. Tvoj mi se jako sviđa, tako raskošno i lijepo izgleda, mješano crveno voće je ovdje pravi izbor !

  • Mmmmm what a lovely cheesecake.. all those berries bleeding through looks beautiful!

  • Oh my gosh I am dying over these pictures. This looks sooo good. I'll be trying this ASAP! Thanks for the recipe.

    Wearing It On My Sleeves

  • Thanks to all the comments :)))

    Hvala 🙂

  • YUM! That looks like the most gorgeously colored, flavored 'cheesecake' ever.

  • Mm I love the combination of berries and cream cheese. This looks tasty!

  • Uf,ovo je predobro…kao i druge stvari na blogu…baš mi je drago što si me našla i tako omogućila da i ja tebe nađem. 🙂


  • Oh, I just love anything with berries! This looks delicious!

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