
Mini Raspberry cupcakes :)Mini Cupcakes od maline :)

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Evo receptića mojih rođendanski mini cupcakesa 🙂 ovi su spoj više različitih recepata sa interneta i linkat ću sve stranice odakle sam ih uzela 🙂 Baza muffinima su ovi muffins by lp-l-t mama sa coolke ali bez jagoda i bez bijele čokolade 😀 a premaz je buttercream od malina by Tracy koji toplo preporučam 🙂 sa bilo kojim voćem, ne samo sa malinama 🙂 Evo slikica i recept 🙂
Here is the recipe for my birthday  mini raspberry cupcakes 🙂 They are a mix of a few recipes from the internet and i’m linking them all here 🙂 The muffin base are this muffins from lp-l-t mama from Coolinarika but without strawberries and white chocolate. And the buttercream is from Tracy from Tracey’s Culinary Adventures that i recommend with all fruits not just raspberries 🙂 
 Mjere su u šalicama, 1 šalica – 240 ml! The mesarments are in cups,1 cup – 240 ml.
Sastojci – Ingredients
1, 5 šalica brašna – 1,5 cup of flour
2 žličice praška za pecivo – 2 tsp of baking powder
malo soli – pinch of salt
1/4 šalice šećera – 1/4 cup of sugar
1/2 šalice rastopljenog maslaca – 1/2 cup of melted butter
1/2 šalice mlijeka – 1/2 cup of milk
1 jaje – 1 egg 
100 g malina – 100 g of raspberries
Pećnicu ugrijati na 180 stupnjeva, u kalup pripremiti košarice. Meni je od ove smjese ispalo cca 50 mini cupcakesa. Prosijati brašno sa praškom za pecivo, šećerom i soli. Jaja, mlijeko i maslac kratko izmiksati te u tu smjesu dodati suhe sastojke i miješati pjenjačom a ne mikserom. Puniti kalupe i peći oko 20 minuta. Izvaditi iz kalupa i pustiti da se ohladi 🙂
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and prepare the muffin mold. Prepare the muffin liners, from this mix I got cca 50 mini muffins. Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Mix eggs, milk and butter and mix for a minute than add the dry ingredients and the raspberries and mix with a whisk not a mixer. Fill the mold and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the mold and let them cool.

Sirup od malina- Raspberry filling
340 g malina – 340 g raspberries
1/4 šalice šećera – 1/4 cup sugar
1 žlica gustina – 1 tbs cornstarch
Izmiksati maline i prosijati je kroz cjedilo da bi se odstranile koštice. Dodati šećer i gustin i kuhati dok ne zgusne. Ohladiti prije nego će se povezivati sa maslacem.
Add the raspberries to the bowl of a food processor. Process until smooth. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a small saucepan to remove the seeds (this takes a few minutes, just be patient and keep using a rubber spatula to push it through). Add the sugar and cornstarch to the pan, whisking to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-low heat, whisking often. When it reaches a boil, remove the pan from the heat and let cool slightly. Chill before adding it to the butter.


1 šalica maslaca za kreme – 1 cup of unsalted butter
2 šalice šećera u prahu –  2 cups of confectioners sugar
Punjenje od malina – raspberry filling
Miksati maslac i punjnje od malina dok se ne poveže i polako dodavati šećer u prahu! Povremeno stati i strugati sa strane  da se sve poveže. U originalu ide 6 šalica šećera ali meni je to puuuno previše pa preporučam da stavljate onoliko kako vam paše čvrstoća buttercreama, meni su 2 šalice bile i previše 😀
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter and raspberry filling on medium speed until completely incorporated, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Add the confectioners’ sugar (I like to sift as I add to avoid lumps), one cup at a time and beat until you reach your desired consistency. In the original there were 6 cups of sugar but for me 2 were just enough.
Po želji nanositi buttercream na muffinse i ja sam ukrasila jednim ribizlom 😉
Decorate the muffins with the buttercream as you wish, I decorated it with red currant 🙂




  • Božanstveno izgledaju, hvala za recept ;)))))

  • Pa ovo je preeeeeekrasno! Divne boje. Takodjer, lijep vikend i ne sve pojesti 😉

  • Prekrasniiii!!! Ovaj recept bilježim:))

  • Preslatkii ♥ obavezno pravim 😀 maliniceeee mmm

  • Imamo jednu prodavnicu ovde u Aucklandu Delish cupcakes..skoro gledajuci ove tvoje rukotvorine da nema arzlike:))Divne fotke;)

  • Prelijep pink 'icing'…

  • Odlično izgledaju! Sve mi se čini da ću ih i ja napraviti.

  • stvarno igledaju yummmy!

  • obožavam cupcakes, ali trenutno ih izrađujem samo kao ukras dok se ne odvažim za prave 🙂 🙂

    super blog, postala sam pratitelj….u nekom od prijašnjih posteva na mom blogu ili u temi – dekoracije, možeš vidjeti kako je ispao moj fake cupcake set

  • Hvala svima na prekrasnim komentarima 🙂

    Medena idem da vidim 😉

  • aaa predivniii suu !!!

  • ajme ženo, ogladnih na brzinu ;-D

  • jao šta ovo dobro izgleda, mmmmmmmmmm!!!

  • Very cute! And looks very tasty.

  • Love them, look georgeous! gloria

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