Ovo su definitivno naaajbolji muffini na svijetu!!!!! Otkad sam ih prvi puta radila oni su na repertoaru svake moje proslave ili rođendana 🙂 ovaj posljednji put kad sam ih radila bilo je za rođendan prijateljičinog tate 🙂 naručila je tortu i muffine pa sam mislila da bi bilo simpa da ih dekoriram isto 🙂 Recept je moje drage cool kuharice Renci11 i može se pronaći na portalu Coolinarika a zanimljiv je po tome da se radi sa jaffa keksima. Tata a i prijateljica bili su oduševljeni količinom čokolade u muffinima i torti tako da se pripremite jer kreće čokoladna BOMBA 🙂
These are the best muffins in the world!!!! Since i made these muffins for the first time I am making them on every occasion and every birthday 🙂 the last time I made them they were for my friend’s father’s birthday 🙂 she orders a cake and muffins so i figured i could match their designs 🙂 the recipe is by my dear friend Renci11 and the interesting thing about them is that you make them with Jaffa cakes. My friend and her dad were amazed by the amount of chocolate in them so beware because here comes a chocolate BOMB :)))
Sastojci :
260 g brašna
55 g kakaa
1,5 žličica praška za pecivo
220 g šećera
80 g nasjeckane čokolade
250 g kiselog vrhnja
60 g rastopljenog maslaca
60 ml mlijeka
2 jaja
20 jaffa keksa
sok 1 naranče
sok 1 naranče
Ganache i ukrašavanje :
200 gr čokolade za kuhanje
60 ml vrhnja za šlag
2 žličice meda
20 jaffa keksa
Ingredients :
260 g flour
55 g cocoa
1,5 teaspoon of baking powder
220 g sugar
80 g chopped chocolate
250 g sour cream
60 g melted butter
60 ml milk
2 eggs
20 jaffa cakes
Juice from one orange
Juice from one orange
Ganache and decorating :
200 g chocolate
60 ml whipped cream
2 teaspoons honey
20 jaffa cakes
Priprema :
1. Prethodno zagrijati pećnicu na 180 ° C. U kalup za muffinse staviti papirnate kosarice u koje stavite u svaku na dno 1 jaffa keksu – mani je ispalo 20 komada.
2. U veliku zdjelu prosijati zajedno brasno, kakao i prasak za pecivo. Umiješajte šecer i cokoladu nasjeckanu na sitne kockice.
3. Umutiti kiselo vrhnje, rastopljeni maslac, mlijeko, sok od naranče i jaja zajedno. Dodajte u suhe sastojke (brasno, kakao, prasak za pecivo, secer i cokoladu ) i mijesajte dok se ne sjedini. Nemojte previše mijesati.
4. Napunite 20 kosarica muffina do negdje tri cetvrtine. Pecite 20 – 25 minuta. Pustite da se ohlade nekih 5 minuta!
5. U medjuvremenu zagrijte vrhnje ( po zelji u njega dodajte 2 zlicice meda ) do vrenja, pa ga prelijte preko isjeckane cokolade za kuhanje, te tako ostavite 5 minuta da se cokolada istopi. Sve promijesajte, te ostavite 1 – 2 sata da se stisne.
6. Ja sam izrezala malu udubinu u svakoga kao kod Mini čokoladnih muffina i napunila kremom te na to stavila po jednu jaffa keksu i ukrasila do kraja 🙂 ali to je sve po želji i vašoj mašti 🙂
Preparationes :
1. Preheat the oven onto 180 degrees. In a muffin mold put the little muffin baskets and on the bottom of the each put a Jaffa cake – i got 20 muffins from this mix.
2. In a big bowl put flour, cocoa and baking powder. Add sugar and chopped chocolate and mix well together.
3. Mix the sour cream, melted butter, milk, orange juice and eggs, than add the dry mixture to it and mix together but not too firm!
4. Fill the baskets and bake for about 20-25 minutes, then let them dry for about 5 minutes!
5. In the meantime heat the whipped cream and add 2 teaspoons of honey until it boils and pour over the chopped chocolate. Let the chocolate melt and stir a little bit then let it cold in the fridge for 1-2 hours!
6. For the decoration I cut a little hole in them just like i did in the Mini chocolate muffins and add the ganache, and at the end I put a jaffa cake on the top and decorate with a little bit of ganache. The decoration is all by your choice and imagination!
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Little army 🙂 |
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Slika sa mog profila na Coolki – a pic from my Cool profil |
Ovdje je još jedan način kako se može dekorirati – pola jaffa kekse jednostavno staviti u ganache 🙂
Here is another way to decorate it! Just put a half of Jaffa in the ganache 🙂
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And what hides there behind the Jaffa mufin? Stay tuned 🙂 Što se krije iza jaffa muffina? Pratite me 🙂 |
Još se pronalazim u Massimovim pjesmama – takvo je vrijeme valjda 🙂
I’m still finding myself in songs by Massimo 🙂 so listen to the song “Bad wine”
How do you like the muffins? Do you like the chocolate and orange combination?
Kako vam se sviđaju muffini? Volite kombinaciju naranče i čokolade?
Kako vam se sviđaju muffini? Volite kombinaciju naranče i čokolade?
Bon apetit,
Tihana 🙂
I love how you take the time to write in English AND your own language!
I really appreciate that!
And your desserts look delicious!!
Thanks for sharing!
kO NE VOLI jAFFA KEKS…pa odrasli smo na njemu….odlicna ideja!
Oh hell yes!!! Such a brilliant idea x
Savrsena kombinacija, pa ko ih ne bi voleo 🙂
obožavam jafa kekse, znači nešto idealno za mene
hvala, hvala, hvala 🙂 isprobajte jer je njamiiii 🙂
thanks, thanks, thanks 🙂 try them because they are amazing!
I love the chocolate cake ….mmmmm….Gnam gnam !!!
a hug to Italy !
Wow look like so delicious…
follow me on twitter if you want
Ovo zvuči tako fino, pa još kombinacija čokolade i pomorandže…mmm
love cupcakes! 🙂
~ http://hellomisschic.blogspot.com
Hi there, just came across your lovely blog and stopped in to say hi – these look so good.. I LOVE all things jaffa! nice work 🙂
These cupcakes look delish!
This looks so delicious. You know I never heard of "jaffa" until I discovered the world of blogs. Love all the wonderful things it's introduced me to :).
Xiaolu i couldn't agree more 😉
Ovo je bas njami… i izgleda kao nesto sto bi moglo da mi uspe iz prve, bez gafova 😀
[…] nekoliko slikica s čim sam se danas malo igrala Prvi su Oreo Cupcakes a drugi nedovršeni su Jaffa Cupcakes uživajte u sličicama ? Here are some pictures of what i was up to today The first are Oreo […]
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