Čokolada, Cupcakes

Mini Choco muffins

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Tražila sam neke brze, jednostavne muffine. Prezentacija na faksu  i samo 3 tjedna vremena da se pripremimo. Za to nam je trebalo puuuuno volje i puuuuno mašte, ali naravno i nešto slatko 🙂 tak da sam ja dežurna kuharica u ekipi pripremila curama iznenađenje 🙂 Mini čokoladne muffine  Cool kuharice Jelene21  🙂 u originalnom receptu nema punjenja i glazure od čokolade tako da je to moj kreativni dodatak 🙂
I was looking for quick and simple muffins. We had a presentation on collage i only 3 weeks to finish it. For that we needed a lot of will, and a lot imagination and of course something sweetly! So, since i am the lead confectioner in our group i prepared a little surprise for my girls 🙂 Mini Chocolate muffins from the cool cook Jelena21 ! In the original recipe there is no chocolate filing and icing so that is my little creative touch!
I love this pic sooo mucch, it reminds me on a snow covered mountain 🙂
Sastojci : 
75 g maslaca ili margarina
400 g čokolade za kuhanje
2 jaja
100 g šećera
1 kiselo vrhnje
200 g brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
200 ml vrhnja za šlag
komadići čokolade
Ingrediens :
75 g butter
400 g chocolate
2 eggs
100g sugar
1 cup( 200 ml) of sour cream
1 baking powder (15 g)
200 ml whiped cream 
chocolate chips
Little mountain
Priprema :
1. Maslac zajedno sa čokoladom (200 g) otopiti na pari o ostaviti da se malo ohladi.
2. Izmiksati jaja, šećer te kiselo vrhnje i postepeno dodavati otopljenju i ohlađenu mješavinu čokolade i maslaca. Dodati brašno sa praškom za pecivo te sve skupa izmiješati, Jelena preporučuje miješanje rukom tj. ručnom mješalicom da smjesa bude lagana! Dodati komadiće nasjeckane čokolade i puniti mini muffin košarice malo više od pola!
3. Pecite 20 minuta na 160 stupnjeva! Neznam točno koliko ali sam ja sam dobila sigurno oko 30 mini muffina od ove smjese 🙂
4. U međuvremenu, kad se peku muffini pripremiti čoko punjenje. Slatko vrhnje pustiti da zavri i prelijati preko razlomljene čokolade (200 g). Staviti nakratko u hladnjak.
5. Muffine pustiti da se malo ohlade te im gornji dio razrezati kao na ovoj sličici dolje te puniti mješavinom čokolade i slatkog vrhnja dok je još tekuća i natrag pokriti sa gornjim dijelom.
1. Melt the chocolate and butter on a steam bath and let it cool a little bit.
2. Mix the eggs, sugar and sour cream and add the melted choco-butter mixture. Than add the flour with the baking powder and mix it all together but with a whisk and let it be very light, and the mixture should have small air bubbles in it 🙂 add chocolate chips and fill the mini muffin cups!
3. Bake them for 20 minutes on 160 degrees. You get about 30 mini muffins from this mixture!
4. In the meantime, when the muffins are baking prepare the choco filling. Whipping cream put in a bowl and let it boil, then slowly mix in the chocolate and let it melt in the hot whipping cream. Put in The fridge.
5. Let the muffins cool a little bit and cut the top of so there is a hole in it. Put a little amount of the mixture in the muffin and close it with the rest!
Cut the little mountains 🙂
And keep the rest….
And fill the muffins with chocolate sauce and close them with the rest 🙂
Ostatak kreme staviti natrag u hladnjak i pustiti oko 1 sat da se stisne 🙂 nakon toga premazati preko mini muffina i lagano posipato šećerom u prahu!
Put the rest of the mixture in the fridge for a hour and let it harden. After that glaze the rest on the muffins and sprink some powderd sugar on it!

Bon Apetit,

Tihana 🙂




  • baš su originalni, vrlo kreativno odrađeno

  • Hello!

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!

    I love your blog and will add it to my Blog List as soon as I remember how to do it. 🙂
    I have to read the directions again.

    All your desserts look so fabulous! I'm so happy that I found your blog!!

    I'll be back!

  • Moji prvi muffini u životu i SUPER su!!! Jednostavni, nemaš kaj zezniti i brzo gotovi, al još brze nestali!

  • […] te ostavite 1 – 2 sata da se stisne. 6. Ja sam izrezala malu udubinu u svakoga kao kod Mini čokoladnih muffina i napunila kremom te na to stavila po jednu jaffa keksu i ukrasila do kraja ali to je sve po […]

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