Ime su zapravo dobili od mog brata, “sunny” zato jer su narančasti a “angels” zato jer imaju šlag na sebi 🙂
Recept je drage Cool kolegice Pege a ovaj dodatak gore je by me 🙂 tako da su od Orange muffins nastali Sunny Angel Cupcakes 🙂 Nadam se da ste lijepo proveli Božićne dane, meni je sve prebrzo prošlo ali je bilo jako lijepo 🙂 jednostavno i u krugu obitelji i prijatelja 🙂 evo receptića za Sunačane anđele 🙂
The name was actually received from my brother, “Sunny” because they are orange and the “angels” because they have whipped cream on it 🙂 The recipe is by a dear cool friend called Pega and the addition above is by me:) and so the Orange muffins became Sunny angel cupcakes 🙂 Hope you had a great Christmas day, It passed very quickly but it was very nice:) simple, with family and friends:) So here is the recipe for the Sunny angels 🙂
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1 whole orange 🙂 |
Sastojci: Ingredients:
1 veća narandža 1 big orange
1 šalica soka od naranče 1 cup of orange juice
1 jaje 1 egg
Pola šalice omekšalog maslaca 1/2 cup softened butter
1 1/2 šalice brašna 1 1/2 cup of flour
1 žličica sode 1 tsp soda
1 žličica praška za pecivo 1 tsp baking powder
Pola žličice soli 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 šalice šećera 3/4 cup of sugar
Veličina šalice 2,5 dcl Cup size 2,5 dcl
500 ml vrhnja za šlag 500 ml whipped cream
2 žlice soka od naranče 2 spoons of orange juice
Korica naranče Orange zest
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Orange and orange juice together 🙂 very, very orange 😀 |
Narandzu oprati i zajedno sa korom izrezati na manje komadiće (povaditi kostice ako ih ima), pa izmiksati u kašu zajedno sa jednom šalicom soka. U to umesati jaje i maslac, a zatim i brasno pomiješano sa sodom bikarbonom, praskom za pecivo šalicu i secerom.
Napuniti košarice za muffine do vrha i staviti peći na 20 minuta na oko 180 stupnjeva. Pustiti ih da se ohlade.
U međuvremenu izmiksati vrhnje za šlag i dodati 2 žlice soka od naranče. Kad se muffini ohlade ukrasiti šlagom i korom od naranče 🙂 i voila 🙂 brzi i prefini!! 🙂
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Fill to the top and bake 🙂 |
Wash the orange and cut it into small pieces then mix it well with the orange juice. Mix in the egg and the butter and slowly add flour mixed with soda, baking powder, salt and sugar.
Fill a muffin basket to the top and put in oven for 20 minutes at about 180 degrees. Allow them to cool.
In the meantime mix the whipped cream with the orange juice. When cooled, garnish the muffins with whipped cream and orange zest. 🙂 e voila 🙂 fast and yummy 🙂
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Sunny Angel Cupcakes :)) |
The Christmas tree at the hotel I work at 🙂 |
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Decoration |
Vrijeme je stvarno ludo, mijenja se iz dana u dan…. malo je 15 stupnjeva pa drugi dan -8 tako da nam nije lako 🙂 evo slike dan prije Božića, ujutro skoro 10 stupnjeva navečer već -3 🙂 brrrrrr …… Hoću proljeće i ljetoooo…….
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Icy sun 🙂 |
The wheater is really crazy here….. it changes from day to day, it’s 15 degrees and in the night -8 :))) it’s getting on my nerves all ready…. i want spring and summer to come soon 😀
Enjoy the rest of the holidays :))
recept ko naručen za nekoga tko ima domaće naranče! totalno pravim za NG, nije ni komplicirano 🙂
Odlican recept i jednostavno za pripremu!!Pozdrav draga!! :-))
muffini za prste polizati, probat ću recept 😀
super blog, pratim!
Vjerujem da su muffini jako ukusni,
obožavam kolače sa narančom!
Bor je zaista prekrasan, elegantan.
A ono sunašce na kraju,
samo mi je potaknulo
nostalgiju za ljetom i morem;)
prefiniiii muffinići..
Ideu na spisak 🙂 Pravicu ih vec danas, prvi put mi nista u kuci ne fali za neki recept koji mi se svidi 🙂
Vrlo neobičan recept ali odličan!Sve najbolje u 2011 draga !
Love those cup cakes.
Lovely to have dropped to your wonderful space.
Happy 2011 to you!
mmm sounds so yummy!! xoxo
Nice little creations!
beautiful! i'm tempted with the oranges.. 🙂
krasno izgledaju…ja ipak preferiram voćne kolačiće (barem većinu vremena) pa ću ove stvarno morat probat 🙂
Love these bright and festive cakes. Happy New Year, girl!
Baš su sunny i jako su lijepi. 🙂
Vjerujem da su bili i jednako ukusni.
Such a zesty, orangey cupcake. Just the way I like it. Cute name.
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