Već par tjedana me muči Truffle torta.
Pripremiti posudu sa kakaom. Malom žlicom vaditi podjednake količine smjese. Bit će dosta mekano i gnjecavo, ali probajte rukama raditi kuglice. Nakon što dobite kuglicu brzo ju bacite u kakao i prokotrljajte dok cijela nije pokrivena. Od ove količine sam dobila cca 20 trufflesa te je to dovoljno za ukrasiti tortu promjera 26 cm.
Tortu još dok je u kalupu posuti kakaom, te lagano toplim nožem odvojiti od obruča. Na to poslagati trufflese i to je to 🙂
Truffle cake
25 g sugar
3 eggs
60 grams of chocolate
0.5 teaspoons vinegar
0.5 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of sugar to egg whites
300 ml whipped cream
600 g of chocolate
400 ml whipped cream
150 g of chocolate
100 ml whipped cream
Prepairing the Truffle decoration :
Chop the chocolate into small pieces. Whip the cream heated to boiling point and pour over thechocolate. Allow 1-2 minutes to melt the chocolate itself, and then stir until it is all melted, without any piecees remaining inside. Put in the refrigerator to cool about 3-4 hours, preferably overnight.
Prepairing the cake bottom :
Melt the chocolate in the bowl on a steam bath, remove from the steam and leave aside.
Mix egg yolks with 25 g sugar until they become fluffy. After that mix the vanilla extract and add the melted chocolate and mix until combine.
In another bowl, mix the egg whites until frothy and add to it half teaspoon of vinegar and mix until combined. Slowly add the 1 tablespoon of the sugar and continue to mix until the sugar disolves.
Add little by little snow whites and mix gently by hand into the previous mixture. After that, add the remaining egg whites and mix again gently until just enough combined. Careful not to interfere too much.
Sheet a 26 cm round baking pan with greasse paper and dust it a little. Pour the prepared mixture and bake it at 180 degrees about 12 – 15 minutes until it rises slowly, and while it no longer shines. Leave to cool.
Prepairing the filling :
300 ml whipped cream warme up to the boiling point. And to the chopped chocolate. Stir and set aside to cool. 400 ml cream beat in to stif peaks. Spoon the mix into the chocolate cream. Pour on the cake bottom around which you left the ring mold and chill in the fridge (preferably overnight).
Making the cake :
Prepare a bowl of cocoa. Take a small spoon of equal amounts of the mixture. It will be quite soft and sticky, but try to work the balls with your hands. After you receive a ball quickly toss it in cocoa and roll around until the whole is covered. Of this amount I got approx 20 truffles, and this is enough to decorate a cake 26 cm of diameter.
While the cake is still in the mold sprinkled with cocoa, take a hot knife and gently separate from the rim. Stack truffles on it and that’s it 🙂
dobro izgleda… kaj misliš… bi bila dobra i s mliječnom čokoladom…hm hm
Skroz po mom guštu, uživancija 🙂
ja sam radila ovu s vali voli torte da bi mi ljudi rekli da je previše čokolade…meni ne može biti previše čokolade negdje apsolutno nikako i bila je tako preeeeeefina, ali opet kad sam jednom prilikom u onoj slastičarni kod sc-a jela trufle kolač, to dvoje nije bilo ni slično…e sad, ne znam koja je razlika između ovoga što si ti napravila i recepta od valija, ali mislim da je to kak god okreneš jedan preeeeefini kolač.
ja sam radila ovu s vali voli torte da bi mi ljudi rekli da je previše čokolade…meni ne može biti previše čokolade negdje apsolutno nikako i bila je tako preeeeeefina, ali opet kad sam jednom prilikom u onoj slastičarni kod sc-a jela trufle kolač, to dvoje nije bilo ni slično…e sad, ne znam koja je razlika između ovoga što si ti napravila i recepta od valija, ali mislim da je to kak god okreneš jedan preeeeefini kolač.
Vau, kakva divna torta. Hoću i ja svoj komadić. 🙂
Predivno izgleda, jako elegantno 🙂
uuuuuuu koja divna torta!! čisto savršenstvo :))
uh, čokoladni raj!
Prava čoko bomba!
Uh, ovo bi moglo biti opasno za 'amatere' cokoholicare….
mmm,jako primamljivo izgleda. je li prijatelj bio zadovoljan? 🙂
Bio je jako zadovoljan 🙂
Divna ti je ova tortica, cokoladna i po mom ukusu:)
This cake looks amazing.Ithink taste is wonderful..I love from
I love truffle! How wonderful you turn them into a cake. Looks divine!
Predivna je! Obozavam ovakve torte, samo sa kremom!!! 🙂
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